Saturday, October 18, 2008

How to become a strong woman in life.

Becoming a woman in life, can be one of the most exciting and difficult trials in life. As a child, I had help on learning how to have effective manners and etiquette. I have been taught the proper way of establishing myself, so that I may be presented as a young lady. This road was the easy one. But, as I got older, I have had to deal with so many pressures from friends, relatives, society and the media. All of these outcomes played a major role on me, as of whom I am today. I have had to fight my way in life, there were times, when my tears were shed. It was not easy, but by the grace of God, I have been able to conquer this difficult path to the new me, of today. I always ask myself this, why would others make it so hard for you to make it in life. This can be either males or females. There is no selective gender when I was experiencing tough times. People make it so hard for me to want to go further in life, but I still pressed on no matter the situation. If, I am happy and want others to succeed in life, I would assume that they would want the same for me. But, it just does not always work out this way. In, my heart, I want to see others happy, but they just don't want to see me happy. It is a sad story to decipher, but that is how some people on this earth are. They react to your pain as if they won a race. I am glad that I have taught myself to be strong and to master whatever obstacle comes my way. Even, if it means if I have to distance myself away from certain individuals whom do not wish me well. Negative people seem to feed off of a persons struggles.. The way that I have become a strong woman in life, is to stay determined and keep focused. I pray for guidance from God, so that I can have his comfort around me at all times in my life. I always try to pat myself on the back, even when no one else does. I strive to always maintain a strong attitude when it comes to my trials and tribulations in life. I have to keep my patience level at a low standard. Being impatient only makes my job even harder. I have to be able to surround myself with the most positive people that wants me to succeed. These people play a big role in my friendship circle. Finally, becoming a strong woman in Christ has allowed me to grow and relate to many hardships that I have had to encounter. I basically had to teach myself how to become the woman in this world that God intended me to be. I have smiled, laughed and cried... But through it all, I have birthed a new image of what it means to be called a strong woman in life.


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Elumir P. Macas said...
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Anonymous said...

Loving your blog. Keep writing, you have a good writing voice..

Dennis said...

You have expressed the well the journey of your life through trials and into strength. I pray that God will continue to give you guidance and wisdom for the journey, and an extra special measure of love for your family.

Juz1Ceo said...

My beautiful and loving wife; it was a true honor to read as your recited your thoughts from within. As your husband, I want you to know I truly in deed without doubt love you with my heart. For I comprehend my wholeness also comes from you being as my 2nd primary part in my life after God himself! I couldn't/nor wouldn't ask God for anyone better than you, who He has for-surely blessed me with without questioning.

As for you my dear(wife), as I comprehend without fault this is your moment/space of venting, expressing your inner thoughts; I only continue to pray and ask God, as believing once requested, that He continues to build your structure up, molding you even greater into that beautiful queen as you are to this day; continuing to enhance the brilliance of your mind; for you are an intriguing lady to be acquainted to/have as my wife; for God to forever embrace you with His everlasting love that keeps you strong!

My love(wife), for when I see you, it what's causes my smile to brighten up even the more! Baby I truly in deed, most definitely: admire, and love you!!!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

@Visira779- My still beautiful wife.. who gets beautiful everyday. As the days go by my love for you grows stronger, for I indeed comprehend the endurance propose; that what makes any relationship become stronger through comprehension. I love you sweetie, and our now four children God has indeed blessed us with!!!! :)